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Stamus Networks Blog

We believe that sharing information is necessary to improve global security. The purpose of this blog is to share our experiences, perspectives and experiments.

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Analysis of TLS Cipher Suite Security in Stamus App for Splunk

The latest version (1.0.1) of  the Stamus App for Splunk adds TLS cipher suite analysis. Conducting...

Unleash Suricata Superpowers with a Splunk App @ Suricon

At next week's Suricon 2021, I'll be sharing real world examples of how a new Splunk App can help...

Introducing the Stamus Networks App for Splunk®

This week we announced the new Stamus Networks App for Splunk®. You can read our press release here...

A Suricata application for Splunk

Thanks to the EVE JSON events and alerts format that appear in Suricata 2.0, it is now easy to...