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Your network "perimeter" has expanded dramatically and so has your attack surface.


SSP Deployment Diagram Cloud 2023


Stamus Network Probes™ in the Cloud

In order to eliminate blind spots, it is crucial to monitor east-west and north-south traffic for complete visibility – wherever your assets are located. With more of your computing assets and applications deployed in cloud environments, you'll want to install your Stamus Network Probe in those environments as well. 

Stamus Network Probes are available for all the popular cloud platforms, including Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. 

Stamus Central Server™ in the Cloud

If your organization has shifted all or a portion of your IT infrastructure to the cloud, or you are deploying Stamus Network Probes in the cloud, it may make sense for you to deploy your Stamus Central Server there too.

Stamus Central Server is available for all the popular cloud platforms, including Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. 

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