Rule-based (also known as Signature-Based) IDS threat detection is a staple in many organizations’ network security set-up. However, without the inclusion of additional security systems, even modern IDS deployments are unable to detect certain types of critical attack signals, ultimately leaving networks vulnerable.
In order to maintain high levels of visibility into their network and stay protected from attack signals that commonly fly under the IDS radar, security leaders should consider alternative options to a purely IDS-based threat detection model.
During this webinar, we’ll review four weak attack signals that legacy IDS can miss and will outline various ways that these signals can be effectively detected.
Attendees will learn about the following, often missed attack signals:
Phil Owens
Vice President, Customer Solutions
Stamus Networks believes in a world where defenders are heroes, and a future where those they protect remain safe. As organizations face threats from well-funded adversaries, we relentlessly pursue solutions that make the defender’s job easier and more impactful. The global leader in Suricata-based network security solutions, Stamus Networks helps enterprise security teams know more, respond sooner and mitigate their risk with insights gathered from cloud and on-premise network activity. Our Stamus Security Platform combines the best of intrusion detection (IDS), network security monitoring (NSM), and network detection and response (NDR) systems into a single solution that exposes serious and imminent threats to critical assets and empowers rapid response.
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