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Listen to Episode - 012 - Danny Quist


Meet Danny Quist

Malware Maze: Cracking the Code with Reverse Engineering


Join us as we explore the shadowy world of malware analysis with this episode featuring Danny Quist, a seasoned security researcher, and host Peter Manev pulls back the curtain on the complex, yet critical, process of reverse engineering malicious code.

Danny highlights the challenges malware analysts face, particularly when encountering new or custom threats, and describes how they exploit the tendency of malware authors to reuse code from previous projects, turning their predictable habit into a valuable clue. Danny also explains that while larger malware samples might contain pre-written libraries, making them initially easier to dissect; it’s the smaller, more sophisticated malware written in languages like Go that can present a new challenge. The conversation concludes by delving into the motivations driving malware attacks.

Whether you're a cybersecurity professional or simply curious about the digital threats lurking online, this interview with Danny Quist offers a fascinating glimpse into the world of malware analysis.



Danny Quist is the CTO of Unit129, Inc., a security startup. Previously he has worked at Redacted, Bechtel, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, and Los Alamos National Laboratory as an incident responder, reverse engineer, and manager of security engineering. His primary interests are weird incident response problems, reverse engineering strange malware, and managing security and engineering teams. Danny holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from New Mexico Tech. He has previously spoken at Blackhat, Defcon, RSA, ShmooCon, and CactusCon.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dannyquist

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