

Written by Eric Leblond | Feb 12, 2015 5:29:35 PM

Stamus Networks is proud to announce the availability of the second release candidate of Scirius 1.0. This new release features bugfixes and improvements.

On the bugfix side, the main one is a fix in the display of graph that could fail on fresh install due to a problem in the Elasticsearch request

The system status has been improved to feature a warning phase on disk and memory usage.

The only new feature is the System Settings menu:

For now, it allows the administrator to setup two things:

  • HTTP proxy parameters: if activated and setup it will allow scirius to fetch rules updates using the specified proxy
  • Elasticsearch usage: some people are using scirius without Elasticsearch so displaying empty graph is not interesting for them. By unchecking elasticsearch, the graphs based on elasticsearch information are not displayed anymore.

You can download Scirius 1.0-rc2 from Github. SELKS users can upgrade to this release by doing apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade.